Every day we are constantly managing risk; whether we are conscious about it or not. Usually, when we speak about risk, the first thought that comes to mind is about managing money and investments, but we also manage risks engaging in simple tasks such as driving a car or even crossing the street.
Republic Journal
Can the Caribbean use the ocean to alleviate poverty while protecting its fragile ecosystems?
Leading like a Tiger in 2022
According to the Chinese calendar, 2022 is the Year of the Tiger. In their mythology, the Tiger symbolises confidence, passion, and determination. Not surprisingly, 2022 is being recognised as the year that will bring these qualities even more to the fore, particularly as economies and societies across the globe continue their post-pandemic rallies.
Renewable Energy in the Caribbean
Bridging the workplace Generational Gap
The best companies tend to build teams with people from different backgrounds. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about gender and ethnic diversity in the workplace, but we should never overlook the importance of age diversity. A mix of experience and youth is critical to an organization’s success. Therefore, businesses must learn to develop practices that create a true level of inclusiveness for all generations so that they can benefit from the characteristics, values, and attitudes shaped by the events of their time.