Republic Journal

The Future of Work in the Caribbean

In early 2020, many of us transformed our dining room tables into office desks thinking that we would be ‘back to normal’ in a few weeks. However, as we draw closer to the end of the year, many non-essential workers are still working from home and experts are already predicting that post-pandemic jobs will be permanently altered by this period of our history.

RFHL Reinforces Its Commitment To Making A Difference

On October 12, Republic Financial Holdings Limited (RFHL) officially became one of the signatories to the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB).

Republic Group: Banking on a Sustainable Future

As an indigenous Caribbean financial institution, Republic Bank Financial Holdings (RFHL) remains committed to strengthening the region’s economies in sustainable ways.

Republic Group: Leading the Caribbean’s Commitment to Responsible Banking

When it comes to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), banks aren’t usually top of mind. But the reality is that banks play a fundamental and often unrecognised role in driving the world’s progress towards sustainable development. It is a role that extends well beyond financing and into their broader impact on people and planet.

The 2021 Budget and You

Now that the budget has been read in Parliament, most of us are trying to assess how the announced measures will affect us as individuals, our households and our businesses. For some, there may be anxiety regarding certain initiatives, because they require a sacrifice on our part or represent a drastic change in policies, to which we have grown accustomed.

Budget 2020/2021: A Case of Hard Decisions and Temporary Discomfort

As far as national Budgets go, the 2020/2021 fiscal package could probably lay claim to being delivered in the most challenging of circumstances, set as it is, against a backdrop of a nightmarish balancing act. The ongoing spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, not only represents a continued risk to citizens’ lives and livelihoods but has also resulted in a drastic deterioration of the country’s fiscal accounts, which were strained even before the virus emerged.


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