8 Daily Habits to Help Manifest Your Goals

It’s 2020 and you’ve got goals. Maybe they’re big – you want to buy a house. Maybe they’re small – you want to lose five pounds before Carnival. Maybe they’re in between. But we can’t just set goals and forget them and expect to achieve them. As Jim Ryun said, “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”

Let’s look at eight daily habits to help achieve your goals.

1. Visualize
Visualization happens when you imagine accomplishing your goals. Research has even proved that athletes who use visualization are able to significantly improve their performance. See yourself in the costume- perfection!! Sit and let a movie play in your mind: it’s all about your path to success.

2. Gratitude
According to psychology professor Sonja Lyubomirsky, “gratitude is not just a pleasant, passive emotion but rather an activating, energizing force that may lead us to pursue our goals.” Think of ways to cultivate gratitude, such as starting each day by listing three things you’re grateful for.

3. Encourage Positivity
If you live or work in a less than positive environment, you’re more likely to focus on getting through the day instead of pursuing goals. By encouraging positivity you’re not just helping others, you’re creating a warm, nurturing environment which makes success more likely for everyone, including you.

4. Maintain a Balance
You need to be in the right mental space to achieve your goals. If you’re constantly stressed, irritated or exhausted it will be hard to focus. Also don’t like treat yourself….. with the same kindness that you show everyone else. Maybe this means going for a massage or joining an exercise class or simply sitting alone with a cup of coffee. Whatever it is, remember you need kindness too!

5. Practice Affirmations
There will come a point when a wheedling voice will enter your head. You’re not good enough it will say. Why are you even trying? We all have doubts. But we need to fight them with affirmations – positive statements that help us overcome negativity. You can even start a journal where you write affirmations.

6. Live as if you Have Already Achieved your Goal
Don’t say that ‘one day’ you’re going to get there. ‘One day’ could be today. So if you want a promotion, don’t wait until you get one to start exhibiting the skills required for the position. If you live like you’ve already attained your goal, chances are your actions will bring you closer to achieving it.

7. Read about Success
Reading allows you to get advice from some of the most successful people in the world. You may not know Bill Gates, but even an article can give you insight into his journey to achieving his goals.

8. Be Patient
You won’t see results instantly. But don’t give up! Eventually, you’ll be rewarded for your positive changes.

Whatever your goals, I hope that these eight tips help you to achieve them. Remember, habits are the blocks that we use to build our life. If we want to change our lives, we’ve got to change our everyday actions.

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